Sunday, January 5th, started off as any other day. Well, any other day that I would have woken up early and boarded a plane from Kansas City to Anchorage, via Minneapolis. I had bought the Twilight book about 3 months earlier (because I was bored on my lunch break and it was on sale at Wal-Mart). I had previously been oblivious to the Twilight series and then I had boycotted it because I was upset that Harry Potter 6 had moved the release. Some rumors said it was because of Twilight. This made me hate it.
I figured there was nothing better than a 8.5 hour plane ride to kill this 500+ page book. Needless to say, once I started I literally COULD NOT STOP. Feel free to ask either of the other two women/co-workers I was traveling with. I was reading in the car, while walking, at dinner, at the gym, while driving, while shopping. I literally could NOT put the book down. I had to rush out and buy the second, third, and fourth books. I read all four books in about 7 days. I would often fore go sleep just so I could read more about this enchanting story about Edward and Bella. (P.S. While I LOVED and ADORED Jacob's character for being Bella's saving grace when she needed it the most, I was ALWAYS Team Edward. There is something about the way that he was so utterly wrong yet perfectly made for her, and her for him, and you know how I can't help but be a total hopeless romantic at heart.)
So, my complete love for the books is what brings me to this post. I had obviously read the book before I saw the movie. In fact, I was lucky to still be able to see the movie in theaters. Thank God for $2 theaters!! Like the 5th Harry Potter movie, the only one I had read the book before I saw the movie, I was QUITE disappointed with the movie the first time I watched it. So is the story with Twilight. I know that movies are "based on the book" and I also know that the movie was EXTREMELY low budget, but the movie ignored so many critical or obvious things to any reader, that I found myself critiquing the movie and not so much paying attention.
These are just SOME of the differences that bothered me enough to blog about:
1) Bella's room color! In the book, it CLEARLY states that her room is a pale yellow and that it hasn't been touched since her and Renee left. In the movie, it's green and Charlie goes out of his way to point out he updated the room.
2) "Confessions"- This was by far was one of my favorite chapters in the book, if not the whole series. I later read that this chapter was the start of the book, based off a vivid dream Stephanie had had. In the book, this chapter was where Bella first saw Edward in the sun. It's where the laid, talked, tested their sexual boundaries, and fell deeper in love. In the movie, it was a short blip on the screen. Annoying.
3) Edward would NEVER say something stupid like "Spider-Monkey"
4) They do a poor job of showing Bella and Edward actually falling in love.
5) Edward's bedroom- The book describes his room in great detail. When they walk in the room, Edward pounces on Bella, knocking her on the couch and pretending to attack her. The couch was supposed to be white. The walls and the carpet were supposed to be gold. Plus, Edward's room is SO small. How in the world are they going to put a bed in there in the later movies?
6) The whole jumping out of the window thing and going up in the trees was cheesy.
7) The book talks about how the "artwork" in the house was a huge cross, which is supposed to be ironic. In the movie... it's a colleague of graduation caps.
8) Didn't James bite the back of her hand and not her wrist?
9) They never really showed Edward watching her sleep.
10) When he did stay with her, he didn't use a blanket between him and her to keep her warm.
11) The prom: In the book, she was wearing 1 high heel. Alice did her hair and make up. ALL of the Cullen kids were at the Prom. In the movie: Chucks, no help from Alice (only dress help), no Cullens at the Prom.
12) The scenes from school: The blood typing was left out. Most of Edward and Bella's convos took place in class.
13) In the book, Bella cooks for Charlie all the time. It helps develop her caring and motherly nature. In the movie... they only eat at the diner.
14) Edward saving Bella's life: This happened BEFORE school in the book. AFTER school in the movie.
Ok.... I think that is QUITE enough ranting for now. Lindsay is right! This is addicting. Jess.... what differences did you notice? Kyle..... have you read these!? YOU SHOULD!
9 years ago
I told you! Blogging is so addicting. P.S. I can't start the Twilight series until this summer - I've just now emerged from my Gilmore Girls fog. I may never surface if I start those books. :)