Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day Off Ramblings...

So after a very very long weekend of having to work and yesterday being a quintessential case of the Mondays, I have been in a foul mood since last week.  However, I find that when I get in one of the these moods, where I am constantly taking things for granted and playing the "whoa is me" card something always comes a long that makes me realize things aren't as bad as they seem.   

Things didn't get off to a great start, having to make the trek to Brooklyn College for an asinine leadership class for a club that I am in and the subway was taking forever, I was hungry and this was ruining my day off.  

However, once I got home I decided that I was going to clean the apartment a bit and watch Six Feet Under.  If you haven't watched this show, you are missing out.  It deals with a lot of heavy issues like death, relationships, family and making your life count, but it is also times very funny and the characters are relatable because they are often dealing with situations that we are dealing with in our everyday lives.  Anyway, now that I have plugged SFU, I will continue....So I'm watching, cleaning, but mostly just watching.  Every episode starts with someone dying and then the main characters putting on their funeral.  This episode was about one guy in a gay couple dying after years of being sick.  While the funeral was fantastically gay, with lots of spectacle and a full scale production of an opera...duh...anyway, something the mourning partner said really hit me.  He said, "I never thought I would be in a relationship at all...that no one could possibly love me enough to stick around."  I realized that's how I had always felt before I met Bill and sometimes I forget how lucky I am.  Anyway, I'm getting pretty touchy feely, but before I started this blog post I found this video about the recent going ons in California and cried a little bit...

Ok so I can't figure out how exactly to put a video embedded into my post...wait I think I did it (I feel so tech savvy now!).

Now this should seem like it would depress me because of the whole Prop 8 mumbo jumbo, but how could anyone be depressed by seeing all that love and knowing I have found that love too makes it even better!

Promise the next one will be a little lighter....

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